銀行小額借貸利率小額借錢銀行大台中小額借貸新竹小額借款>高雄證件借款風險小額信貸利率>小額借款 推薦新竹小額借款快速撥款宜蘭小額借款快速撥款大台中小額借貸新竹小額借款快速撥款屏東民間小額借款高雄證件借款 免抵押品宜蘭小額借款快速撥款台南小額借款快速撥款台北小額借款廣告小額借錢的方法銀行小額信貸 免保人台南學生小額借款高雄證件借款 免抵押品NATIONALISM: Asked about his stance on the ROC, grand justice nominee Hwang Jau-yuan said that expressions of patriotism in a democracy should not be forcedBy Chen Wei-han / Staff reporterGrand justice nominee Hwang Jau-yuan (黃昭元) yesterday said he would accept renomination as grand justice or Judicial Yuan president after his term ends, while asserting that no one should be forced to subscribe to a uniform national identification.During the last legislative review of the grand justice nominees, Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator John Wu (吳志揚) said that the 54-year-old Hwang, the youngest among grand justice nominees, might be renominated as grand justice or Judicial Yuan president.Wu asked whether Hwang would accept reappointment in light of the controversy over the nomination of former grand justice Hsu Tzong-li (許宗力) as Judicial Yuan president, as the law stipulates that grand justices cannot serve consecutive terms, but does not specify if they can serve a second term.“I will accept [a renomination], precisely because there are too many unnecessary debates about [grand justice] reappointment. I would not refuse [renomination] under such pressure,” Hwang said.The reappointment of Hsu is not unconstitutional, and it has to go through a double approval process — first by the president and then the legislature, Hwang said.KMT Legislator Wang Hui-mei (王惠美) asked if Hwang identified with the Republic of China (ROC), as Hwang in July had urged the government to replace the national title “ROC” with “Taiwan” in diplomatic settings and claimed that the ROC was a term that might only be used domestically to “satisfy nostalgic needs.”Hwang said he made the suggestion as he understood the views of other countries about the ROC, and while the ROC is the nation’s official title and something that many identify with, he has yet to see a consensus about the title.“Democracy has been practiced in Taiwan for years, and we should already have left that [authoritarian] era behind. One should not be forced to express patriotism like in the Cultural Revolution or under Nazi rule,” Hwang said.Wang asked if Hwang found it contradictory that he has to uphold the Constitution of a nation that he does not identify with.Hwang said he has struggled intellectually about constitutional issues, but, as a grand justice, he would duly perform his duties.Asked whether he would be willing to sing the national anthem, Hwang said he was tone-deaf and “had used up the quota of singing the national anthem” for singing it from elementary to high school.“In a democracy, no one should be forced to express one’s position, including one’s identification with national symbols,” he said.KMT Legislator Lin Li-chan (林麗嬋) asked Hwang whether the exclusion of Chinese students from the National Health Insurance Program is a violation of the right to equality, and whether it is against the ri小額貸款率利試算台中借錢高雄小額借錢>台中小額借錢小額借錢的方法小額信貸利率低ght to employment that Chinese spouses are prohibited from seeking employment in non-sensitive public agencies such as schools.Hwang said all foreign students should be treated equally, and discussions are still needed on how foreigners can join the National Health Insurance Program.As for the restrictions on employment of Chinese spouses, he said they were too strict and could be relaxed through legislation.Although he could not give a formal opinion as a petition for constitutional interpretation about same-sex marriage is being processed, Hwang said he was sympathetic to same-sex couples.“It is harmful to a person’s basic values and beliefs if people in love cannot form a legal union,” he said.Grand justice小額信貸利率如何計算 nominee Jan Sheng-lin (詹森林) was also asked about his stance on a number of sensitive issues during a legis屏東民間小額借款lative review on Wednesday.Even before accepting questions from lawmakers, Jan said he supported the abolition of the death penalty, legalizing same-sex marriage, upholding gender equality in male-dominated ancestor worship organizations, decriminalizing adultery, legalizing euthanasia, legalizing surrogacy, and codifying Aboriginal self-determination and autonomy in the Constitution.Jan’s straightforward manner impressed netizens, with a majority praising his candidness, although some said his action was inappropriate for a grand justice nominee.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES